PT Astra Honda Motor
Logistic Planning Supervisor
1. Telah lulus/semester akhir S1 jurusan Teknik Industri / Teknik & Manajemen Industri / Manajemen Bisnis / Manajemen /Statistika / Matematika
2. IPK 3,00
3. Umur maksimal 27 tahun
4. High and strong analytical thinking and detail on number
5. Computer literacy
6. Commitment & responsible
7. Persistent with smart communication skill
Other Information
1. Create integrated planning between Manufacturing and Sales target to make distribution plan with consider distribution order from Main Dealer and expedition capacity and schedule
2. Define and translate FY target to become monthly target by each category, each type and each colour
3. Create, control and monitoring daily distribution planning
4.Define and monitoring new model distribution strategy and discontinue timing, include initial distribution, aligned with new model planning
5. Control, monitoring and analyze per category trend and sales sensing to define distribution planning to make more accurate distribution order to Manufacturing
6. Create and Develop integrated ordering system that aligned with order from Main Dealer